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    57 Part-time Office Manager Jobs

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    What do you do as an Office Manager?

    As an Office Manager, you are responsible for the efficient organization of an office. This includes managing office supplies, coordinating appointments and meetings and supporting the team in administrative matters. Office managers also help to optimize work processes and maintain a positive working environment.

    Expected Salary

    Salary of an Office Manager in Germany

    An Office Manager in Germany earns an average of 39,000 € gross per year, which corresponds to a gross monthly salary of 3,250 €. These values vary depending on the federal state and city. For example, Office Managers earn 46,200 € in Munich, 44,500 € in Stuttgart, and 41,700 € in Hamburg.

    Work experience plays a significant role in salary determination. With more than 10 years of experience, women can earn 43,800 € and men 53,200 €. People with personnel responsibilities earn an average of 50,000 €.

    Salaries can also vary depending on the company and the level of responsibility. In larger companies and corporations, salaries are often higher than in start-ups and small businesses.

    Important skills for office manager jobs

    • Organizational skills
    • Strong communication skills
    • time management
    • Problem solving skills
    • ability to work in a team
    • customer orientation
    • Knowledge of office software
    • flexibility
    • Attention to detail

    What training do you need for the job of Office Manager?

    For a career as an office manager, commercial training or a degree in business administration or administration is usually an advantage. Practical experience in office management is also important in order to develop the necessary skills.

    Career opportunities in office management

    There are numerous career opportunities in the field of office management. After a few years of professional experience, you can aspire to a position as a senior office manager or office manager. It is also possible to specialize in specific areas such as project management or facility management.