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    0 Key Account Manager Jobs Stuttgart

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    What do you do as a Key Account Manager?

    A Key Account Manager is responsible for maintaining and expanding important customer relationships within a company. The main tasks include developing individual strategies for key customers, conducting negotiations and working closely with various internal departments to best meet customer needs. The aim is to maximize customer satisfaction and build long-term business relationships.

    Salary for Key Account Manager Jobs in Stuttgart

    The average annual salary for Key Account Managers in Stuttgart is €81,800.

    Salaries range between €71,000 as the lower limit and €109,000 as the upper limit, depending on specific requirements and experiences.

    Important skills for key account manager jobs

    • Excellent communication skills
    • Negotiation skills
    • Analytical thinking
    • Customer orientation
    • Project management skills
    • Sales talent
    • Ability to work in a team
    • Strategic thinking

    What training do you need for the job of Key Account Manager?

    A degree in business administration, marketing or a related field is generally required for the position of Key Account Manager. Relevant professional experience in sales as well as additional qualifications, such as further training in sales or communication techniques, can be an advantage.

    Career opportunities as a Key Account Manager

    Numerous career opportunities are open to you as a Key Account Manager. For example, you can develop into a Senior Key Account Manager or Sales Manager. There is also the opportunity to move into other areas such as product management or corporate strategy. Networking and continuous professional development are crucial to success in this career field.