Coordination of activities and research into the recycling of carbon fibre-containing residual materials, Investigations into the recycling of carbon fibres from carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP) using pyrolysis and, if necessary, solvolysis., Determination of damage mechanisms on the fibres obtained using modern analytical methods, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), white light interferometry, thermography, temperature programmed desorption (TPD) or atomic force microscopy (AFM)., Development of correlations between the results of investigations into the performance (e.g. static and dynamic tensile tests) and ageing resistance of CFRP with recycled and virgin fibres as well as single fibre investigations and process control to derive quality standards for the recycling of carbon fibres., Investigations into the utilisation of waste containing carbon fibres in pyrometallurgy., Co-supervision of an ongoing doctoral thesis on this topic., Studies on the reaction of C-fibres with oxidising slags and on the dissolution behaviour of C-fibres in molten metals, starting from the answering of fundamental questions on the reaction mechanism through to aspects of industrial implementation., Supporting and helping to shape legislative processes relating to carbon fibres., Organisation of events related to carbon fibres., Collaboration in internal and external committees and processes related to carbon fibre recycling., External presentation of activities through the publication of research results in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, presentation at trade fairs and conferences and other formats., Acquisition of third-party funds.