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    2068 Jobs With Meaning Berlin

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    Stop wasting time on jobs that do not meet your needs. Set your career preferences and receive a personalized job feed just for you

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    Get your personalized job feed

    Stop wasting time on jobs that do not meet your needs. Set your career preferences and receive a personalized job feed just for you

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    What do you do in the "Jobs with a purpose" area?

    Jobs with purpose refer to activities that not only serve a specific professional goal, but also have a positive impact on society and the lives of other people. These jobs are often in the fields of social work, the environment, education or healthcare. They offer the opportunity to have a direct impact on the community and promote values that go beyond purely financial aspects.

    Salaries in Meaningful Jobs in Germany

    In Germany, there are a variety of professions that can be referred to as "meaningful jobs." These professions are often of social significance and offer fulfilling work. However, salaries in these professions vary greatly.

    Some examples of meaningful jobs and their average salaries are:

    • Teachers: Average base salary of 51,294 euros per year.
    • Specialists: Average annual salary of 38,200 euros, which corresponds to a monthly salary of 3,183 euros.

    However, it is important to note that many meaningful jobs, such as those in the social sector, tend to be less well paid. Many employees in these professions receive only the legal minimum wage.

    To achieve fair compensation, it is important to be informed about salaries in various professions and to better understand where you stand salary-wise. This can be supported by anonymous reviews from employees and applicants.

    Important skills for "jobs with purpose"

    • Empathy
    • Communication skills
    • Teamwork
    • Problem solving skills
    • creativity
    • flexibility
    • organizational skills

    What training do you need in the area of "Jobs with a purpose"

    Training for "jobs with a purpose" can vary greatly depending on the specific field. Social professions, environmental or health studies are often relevant. Internships or voluntary work are also an advantage to gain practical experience and expand your own network.

    Career opportunities in "Jobs with purpose"

    The career opportunities in "Jobs with a purpose" are diverse. You can work in non-profit organizations, in education, social services or the healthcare sector. With the appropriate experience and further training, management positions or special specialist positions are also open, allowing you to manage projects or work in consulting.

      Jobs Mit Sinn in Berlin - Aktuelle Stellenangebote - baito