In the field of adult education, you are responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating educational programs for adults. You often work in educational institutions, adult education centers or companies and impart knowledge and skills in various subject areas, ranging from professional development to personal development courses.
The average annual salary for adult education jobs in Düsseldorf is €55,350.
Salaries vary based on years of experience and level of education, ranging between €44,600 and €62,900.
A career in adult education generally requires a university degree in a relevant field. This can be, for example, education, social work or a subject-specific degree. Additional qualifications, such as further training as an adult educator, are also often useful and improve your chances on the job market.
There are many career opportunities in adult education. You can work as a trainer, lecturer or education manager and have the opportunity to work in various educational institutions or in business. With appropriate experience and further training, you can also move up into management positions and develop your own educational projects.
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