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    98 Special Needs Care Jobs Berlin

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    What do you do as a curative education nurse?

    As a curative education nurse, you work with people who need support in their everyday lives due to disabilities or special needs. The main tasks are to improve the clients' quality of life, promote their independence and help them integrate into society. Social care workers not only support those affected, but also work closely with their families and other professionals.

    Expected Salary

    Heilerziehungspfleger/in salary in Berlin The average annual salary for a Heilerziehungspfleger/in in Berlin is €34,424. The salary range extends from €20,527 as an entry-level salary to €48,862 as the upper limit. These figures vary depending on work experience, managerial responsibilities, and other factors.

    Important skills for curative education nurses

    • Empathy and sensitivity
    • Communication skills
    • Conflict resolution skills
    • Patience and resilience
    • Ability to work in a team
    • Organizational skills
    • Creativity in the organization of activities

    What training do you need for a job as a curative education nurse?

    To become a curative education nurse, you generally need to have completed training in curative education or a comparable specialization. This training includes both theoretical and practical parts and provides important knowledge about various disabilities, care and support measures as well as the legal framework. Internships in facilities that work with people with disabilities are also often part of the training.

    Career opportunities as a curative education nurse

    After training as a curative education nurse, numerous career opportunities are open to you. You can work in different areas, such as in residential homes, special schools or in outpatient care. In addition, there is the possibility of further training, e.g. through specialized further and advanced training or a degree in social work or curative education, in order to aspire to managerial positions or special fields.