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    What do you do as a lawyer?

    As a lawyer or in the field of law, you deal with the advice and representation of clients in legal matters, including the drafting of contracts, representation in court, the perception of mandates in civil and criminal law, as well as legal advice in various areas such as economic law, family law or international law.

    Salary overview in the legal profession

    In Germany, salaries in the legal profession vary greatly. Lawyers earn an average of 40,200 € annually, which corresponds to a monthly salary of 3.35 € . The salary range ranges from a lower limit of 34,100 € to an upper limit of 49.000 € annually. Lawyers have an average annual salary of 52,762 € , which corresponds to a monthly income of 4,397 € . In Berlin, the salary of a lawyer can often vary between 42,000 € and 64,633 per year.

    Important skills for the legal field

    • Analytical skills
    • Strength of communication
    • Negotiating skills
    • Detailed orientation
    • Knowledge in various areas of law
    • the ability to enforce
    • Teamwork
    • time management

    What training is required for the legal job?

    In order to work in the field of law, you usually need a law degree, which is completed with the first state examination. After that, the referenda is required, followed by the second state examination, in order to be able to work as a full lawyer. For specialized positions in the field of law, additional qualifications or training may be required, such as specialist lawyer titles.

    Career opportunities in the field of law

    There are many career opportunities in the field of law. Lawyers can specialize in different areas of law and work in law firms or companies. Self-employment is also an option. There are also career opportunities in public administration, in companies as corporate lawyers or in science as teachers or researchers.