As a learning therapist, you support children and adults with learning difficulties in improving their skills and achieving their learning goals. Your work involves the development of individual support plans and the implementation of learning therapies in various subjects to increase the learning motivation and independence of clients. You also work closely with teachers, parents and other professionals to provide a holistic support system for learners.
In Germany, learning therapists can expect an average annual salary of €43,400, which corresponds to a monthly salary of about €3,617. The salary range is between €36,400 and €51,900 per year, which corresponds to €3,033 to €4,325 per month. In addition, earnings vary depending on the size of the company, with larger companies with more than 20,000 employees offering a salary of about €49,139 per year.
In order to work as a learning therapist, a degree in special education, psychology or a comparable training is usually required. Additional qualifications and further training in the field of learning therapy, such as further training in specific learning methods or strategies, are also an advantage and can increase opportunities in the labour market.
A learning therapist can work in a variety of fields, including schools, tutoring institutes, and in private practice. With the right experience and training, there is also the possibility of working in senior positions or opening your own therapy practice. In addition, specializing in certain areas of learning therapy, such as dyscalculia or dyscalculia, can open up career opportunities.
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