In the field of social work, you support people in various life situations. For example, social workers help in crisis situations, support clients to help themselves and promote their social integration. The tasks include providing advice and support in social matters as well as organizing offers of help.
Salary for social work jobs in Düsseldorf
The average annual salary for social work jobs in Düsseldorf is €41,600. The salary range extends from €36,000 as a lower limit to €48,200 as an upper limit.
To work in social work, you usually need a degree in social work or social pedagogy. Alternatively, there are also practical training paths, e.g. as a social assistant or educator. Theoretical knowledge and practical experience in dealing with people are important.
There are many career opportunities in social work. Professionals can work in various areas, such as child and youth welfare, care for the elderly, addiction and drug help or work with the disabled. Further training and qualifications offer additional opportunities for advancement and specialization in specific fields.
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