In the field of education for sustainable development (ESD), the task is to sensitize people to sustainable issues and to impart the necessary knowledge to them in order to make environmentally conscious decisions. This can be done through various educational formats such as workshops, seminars or project work in schools and other educational institutions. The main objectives are to stimulate critical thinking, promote action skills and support a sustainable lifestyle.
In Germany, the salary for occupations in the field of education for sustainable development can vary depending on factors such as qualification, professional experience and region.
A career in the field of education for sustainable development usually requires a university degree in areas such as environmental education, education sciences, sustainability management or a related field of study.Additional qualifications, such as continuing education in the field of environmental education or sustainable development, can further improve professional opportunities.
In the field of education for sustainable development, there are a variety of career opportunities. You can work in schools, NGOs, environmental agencies or educational institutions. In addition, there are opportunities for positions in research, in the administration of state institutions and in the development of educational programmes.
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