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    14 Music School Jobs

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    What do you do as a music school job?

    In a music school, you have the opportunity to teach and promote students in the field of music. You lead courses in various musical instruments, singing or music theory and help students develop their musical skills. Working in a music school requires both pedagogical and musical skills.

    Salary overview for music school jobs

    In Germany, the salary for music teachers at music schools can vary depending on factors such as location, experience and type of employment. An average annual salary for a music teacher in Germany is about 40,216 euros, the entry salary starts at about 25,142 euros and the salary ceiling is about 55,412 euros. Salary range: Salaries can range from €30,000 to €68,800 per year, with the average being around €46,300

    1. Regional differences: Salaries may vary by city and region. For example, the average salary in cities such as Munich and Stuttgart is over 50,000 euro per year, while in other cities such as Leipzig and Oldenburg it is lower.
    2. Honorarkräfte: For freelancers working on an honorary basis, there are no fixed salary limits as the payment is negotiated individually.

    Important skills for music school jobs

    • Musical skills
    • Educational competence
    • Ability to communicate
    • Patience and empathy.
    • Teamwork
    • He's an organizer.

    What training do you need for the job at a music school?

    For an employment in a music school, a music education training is usually required, for example, a study of music education or a completed teaching degree with a specialisation in music.

    Career opportunities at the music school Jobs

    In music school, you have a variety of career opportunities: you can focus on specific instruments or fields of expertise, take over the school management or organize workshops and events, and you can work in private music schools or teach as a freelancer.