Health educators are professionals who specialise in promoting health and health education.They develop health promotion programmes, advise people on health-related issues and work closely with schools, businesses and educational institutions.Their aim is to strengthen public health awareness and support preventive measures.
In Germany, the average salary for health educators is about €3.725 gross per month. The starting salary is about €3.290 gross per month and can increase with increasing professional experience to up to €2.218. 25% of health educators earn less than €3.050 gross per month, while over €3.910 gross per month for a 40-hour working week. Regional differences are also significant: in Hesse the salary is on average €3.874, while in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern it is only €3.204.
The profession of health educator usually requires a degree in health promotion, public health or pedagogy, and there are also training opportunities for professionals who are already working in the health sector.
Health educators have a variety of career opportunities, and they can work in a variety of fields, such as public health, education, or business.
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