Diversity management is about promoting and managing the diversity of employees in a company. This includes implementing strategies and programs that support an inclusive corporate culture and ensuring that all employees have the same opportunities regardless of gender, origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. Diversity managers often work closely with HR departments to develop training programs that increase diversity awareness and to ensure that company policies reflect these values.
Average annual salary for diversity management jobs in Stuttgart
The average annual salary for diversity management jobs in Stuttgart is €64,800.
Salary range
The lower limit is €4,461 and the upper limit is €107,205.
A career in diversity management usually requires a degree in areas such as human resources management, business administration, social sciences or psychology. Additional qualifications or training in the field of diversity and inclusion can also be an advantage. Practical experience, for example through internships or projects dealing with diversity and inclusion, is also valuable.
Diversity management offers a variety of career opportunities in different areas. From positions in HR, where diversity managers develop diversity strategies, to actual leadership positions responsible for implementing and overseeing diversity initiatives. There are also opportunities to work as consultants for external companies or organizations looking to improve their diversity strategies.
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