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    CSR Manager
    Sustainability Management Jobs

    CSR Manager

    Make more out of your career: As a CSR Manager, you combine professional success with sustainable impact. Learn about the skills in demand, the exciting tasks that await you, the perspectives this forward-looking profession offers, and the salary you can expect. Actively help shape how companies take responsibility and make a positive contribution to society and the environment. Are you ready to make a difference?

    Key Points at a Glance

    • Role: CSR Managers ensure responsible corporate actions for positive social and environmental effects.
    • Requirements: University degree (Business Administration, Environmental/Social Sciences), practical experience, strong communication, strategic thinking.
    • Tasks: Strategy development, stakeholder management, reporting, project management.
    • Prospects: Growing demand, diverse industry opportunities, international career paths, high job satisfaction.
    • Salary: Attractive, reflects key role in companies.



    The CSR Manager profession is interdisciplinary. The following requirements are crucial:
    • Education: A university degree in Business Administration, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, or a related field is often required. Specializations or further education in CSR, sustainability, or ethics are beneficial.
    • Experience: Practical experience through internships or work in areas such as sustainability, social responsibility, environmental protection, or similar fields is essential.
    • Competence: Strong communicative skills, strategic thinking, knowledge in project management, and a deep understanding of ethical business practices and sustainability are indispensable.


    CSR managers wear a variety of hats. Their tasks include:
    • Strategy development: Design and implementation of CSR strategies that align with the company goals.
    • Stakeholder management: Building and maintaining relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
    • Reporting: Creating sustainability reports and documenting progress regarding CSR goals.
    • Project management: Leading projects that promote positive social and environmental impacts.


    The demand for CSR managers is growing as more companies recognize the importance of social responsibility. The career not only offers the opportunity to work in various industries – from finance and technology to retail and beyond – but also opens doors for international career paths. The role provides a high level of satisfaction through its direct impact on societal and environmental goals.

    Salary as a CSR Manager

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    As a CSR Manager, you play a key role in making companies not only more profitable but also more responsible. It is a career that is both challenging and incredibly rewarding, offering the chance to make a real change.
    CSR Manager Cover Letter

    CareerresourcesCSR Manager Cover Letter

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    CSR Manager Example Job Description

    CareerresourcesCSR Manager Example Job Description

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    CSR Manager Interview Questions

    CareerresourcesCSR Manager Interview Questions

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    CSR Manager Careerpath

    CareerpathCSR Manager Careerpath

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