NGOs in Dresden
In the vibrant city of Dresden, numerous Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are found which are committed to a variety of social, cultural, and environmental issues. baito, our specialized job portal, is the perfect place to discover the right organizations and exciting career opportunities within them. Browse through a comprehensive list of NGOs in Dresden and find the position that not only matches your interests but also offers the opportunity to actively contribute to shaping a better world.
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#coworkingdresden #nachhaltigetransformation #sozialeinnovation
Landesverband Sachsen im Deutschen Bibliotheksverband eV
#bibliothekensachsen #wissenundkultur #digitaletransformation
Landesverband Nachhaltiges Sachsen e.V. (LVNS)
#nachhaltigkeit #klimaschutz #vernetzung
Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft (LAG) Mädchen* und junge Frauen* in Sachsen e.V.
#mädchenförderung #geschlechtergerechtigkeit #inklusion