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    Definition, Jobs and NGOs in Germany

    Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in today's society. They advocate for a variety of issues, including environmental protection, human rights, and development cooperation. These organizations operate independently of governmental influences and have been established on private initiative. In this article, we will take a closer look at the basics of NGOs, their significance in society, well-known examples, and the opportunities to work with an NGO.

    Key Takeaways

    • NGOs are independent organizations that advocate for social, ecological, and humanitarian goals.
    • They play a significant role in political opinion formation and offer innovative solutions for complex problems.
    • Working at an NGO offers the opportunity to actively contribute to shaping a better world. Learn more about NGO Jobs.

    What exactly are NGOs?

    Definition and Origin

    NGOs, or in English Non-Governmental Organizations, have become an integral part of our global society. But what does NGO mean in English, and why is it called NGO? The abbreviation NGO (pronunciation [ɛnɡeˈoː]) stands for 'Non-Governmental Organization', which means an organization that operates independently from governmental influence. These organizations commit to a variety of social, ecological, and political goals, without being for-profit.
    Is Greenpeace an NGO? Yes, and it's just one of many examples of how NGOs are changing our world for the better.
    The history of NGOs goes far back. When was the NGO founded? The first predecessors can be found in the 19th century, but the term 'NGO' only became established after 1945. This point also marks the beginning of rapid growth of these organizations worldwide.
    • Is an association an NGO? Yes, many NGOs are organized as associations and learn more here about NGO Founding.
    • What is an NGO and what types are there? There are countless NGOs with various missions, from environmental protection to human rights.
    The meaning of NGO and the role they play in our society are immense. They're not only important actors in political opinion formation but also in development cooperation and in the fight for a more just world.

    NGO vs NPO

    To better understand the difference between Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), it’s worth looking more closely at the aspects of focus, goal setting, and methods of engagement:

    Focus and Goals

    • NGOs:
      • Mainly focused on influencing politics and legislation.
      • Operate independently from governmental influences and pursue specific social, ecological, or political goals.
    • NPOs:
      • Have a broader goal setting that can include education, research, culture, and more.
      • Not necessarily focused on political advocacy.


    Both types of organizations are not profit-oriented and aim to have a positive impact on society, whether through supporting communities, promoting education, or protecting the environment.

    Main Differences in Engagement

    • NGOs:
      • Often utilize campaigns, education, and public pressure as means to achieve their goals and influence political decisions.
    • NPOs:
      • Focus more on direct services and aid, providing immediate support for their target groups.
    NGOs and NPOs mainly differ in their approaches to effect societal change: NGOs focus on political influence through advocacy and campaigns, while NPOs provide direct support with a broader range of objectives. Nonetheless, both are essential for promoting social, ecological, and cultural concerns within civil society.

    The Role of NGOs in Society

    NGOs play a crucial role in our modern world. They fill the gaps left by state institutions and offer innovative solutions for a variety of problems. From environmental protection to human rights and development aid – NGOs are there wherever help is needed. They strengthen civil society and promote international cooperation.
    NGOs use various means such as education, consulting, and protest to achieve their goals and bring about positive changes.
    Some of the most important fields of action for NGOs include:
    • Health
    • Social
    • Humanitarian Aid
    • Environmental Protection
    • Human Rights
    • Development Cooperation
    These organizations operate independently from state institutions and have a significant impact on the global political agenda. They are an indispensable part of the social fabric, contributing significantly to social change and environmental protection. The growing number of NGOs highlights the increasing need for qualified employees and the importance of their work.

    Famous NGO Examples

    Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and Doctors Without Borders are just a few of the most well-known names. These organizations have one thing in common: they all strive to make the world a better place.
    In Germany, there are numerous NGOs committed to various fields. A list of NGOs in Germany can be found here.

    List of NGOs

    Too Good To Go

    Too Good To Go


    #lebensmittelrettung #nachhaltigkeit #wenigerverschwendung

    Climate & Environmental Protection
    Nutrition & Food
    11 - 50
    Wikimedia Deutschland

    Wikimedia Deutschland


    #freieswissen #openaccess #wikimediabewegung

    Social Services
    11 - 50
    Sarah Wiener Stiftung

    Sarah Wiener Stiftung


    #gemeinnützigeStiftung #praktischeErnährungsbildung #kinder

    Nutrition & Food
    11 - 50
    Food Watch

    Food Watch


    #verbraucherschutz #lebensmittelqualität #nachhaltigeernährung

    Nutrition & Food
    Social Services
    11 - 50



    #nachhaltigetechnologie #reparierbaresmartphones #ethischeelektronik

    Sustainable Products
    Digital & IT
    11 - 50
    Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

    Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


    #entwicklungszusammenarbeit #nachhaltigeentwicklung #internationalebildungsarbeit

    Development Cooperation
    11 - 50



    #umweltschutz #frieden #nachhaltigkeit

    Climate & Environmental Protection
    Social Services
    11 - 50
    World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)

    World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)


    #naturschutz #umweltbildung #nachhaltigkeit

    Climate & Environmental Protection
    Social Services
    11 - 50
    Widen the Circle

    Widen the Circle

    #hassbekämpfung #vorurteileüberwinden #respektundversöhnung

    Human Rights
    11 - 50
    Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik

    Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik


    #stadtentwicklung #nachhaltigestädte #klimaschutz

    Urban Impact
    Consultancies & Agencies
    11 - 50
    NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland

    NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland


    #ngo #umweltschutz #klimaschutz

    Climate & Environmental Protection
    Social Services
    11 - 50


    Verden (Aller)

    #bürgerbeteiligung #demokratieschützen #klimaschutz

    Democracy & Public Goods
    Social Services
    11 - 50


    #spendenplattform #sozialeinitiativen #transparenzinspenden

    Social Services
    Development Cooperation
    11 - 50
    International Rescue Committee

    International Rescue Committee

    #humanitärehilfe #flüchtlingshilfe #nachhaltigeentwicklung

    Development Cooperation
    Social Services
    11 - 50



    #klimaschutz #umweltschutz #nachhaltigkeit

    Climate & Environmental Protection
    Sustainable Services
    11 - 50
    World Food Programme

    World Food Programme


    #hungerhilfe #humanitärehilfe #nachhaltigeentwicklung

    Development Cooperation
    Nutrition & Food
    11 - 50
    Save the Children

    Save the Children


    #kinderrechte #hilfefürkinder #bildungfüralle

    Human Rights
    Development Cooperation
    11 - 50
    African Wildlife Foundation

    African Wildlife Foundation

    #wildlifeconservation #sustainableafrica #protectwildlife

    Climate & Environmental Protection
    Animal Welfare
    11 - 50
    Falling Walls Foundation

    Falling Walls Foundation


    #wissenschaftskommunikation #innovationfördern #nachhaltigelösungen

    Science & Research
    11 - 50
    Animal Equality

    Animal Equality


    #tierschutz #tierrechte #veganelebensweise

    Animal Welfare
    Social Services
    11 - 50

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