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    3 Stage Designer Jobs Cologne

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    What do you do as a stage designer?

    As a set designer, you design the visual and spatial elements of theatrical performances, film sets, or other performing arts, including the design of set designs, the selection of materials and colors, and the close collaboration with directors and other artists to create a compelling and impressive scene.

    Salary overview for stage designers

    The salary for a stage designer in Germany varies according to experience, region and type of employment.

    • Initial salary: A trained stage designer can expect a monthly gross income of about 2,500 euro.
    • Average salary : On average, the monthly gross salary is about 3,500 euros. In Baden-Württemberg and Hesse it is about 3.664 or 3.640 euros per month, while in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern it is about 3.009 euros. Freelance work: Many stage designers work as freelancers, which means that their income depends on the order situation. Experienced stage designers can earn more than €4,000 per month.
    • Hourly wage: Some sources give an hourly wage of about 39.96 euros.

    Important skills for stage designers

    • Creativity and artistic sense
    • Technical understanding
    • Ability to communicate
    • Teamwork
    • He's an organizer.
    • Knowledge in art history and design
    • Ability to handle different materials and techniques

    What training is needed for the job of stage designer?

    To become a stage designer, you usually need an education or a degree in stage design, architecture, visual communication, or art. Some universities offer specialized courses that focus on stage and scenography design.

    Career opportunities as a stage designer

    Stage designers have a wide range of career opportunities in various fields of the performing arts. They can work in theatre productions, film and television, museums or event management. With the appropriate experience, they can also rise to the position of director or production manager.