As a foreign language assistant, you are responsible for supporting teachers in language classes, including conducting language exercises, preparing teaching materials, and supporting students in learning foreign languages.
The salary for foreign language assistants in Germany varies greatly depending on the type of activity. For example, foreign language assistants in the Foreign Service earn about €38,300 gross per year. Foreign language assistants working in schools (foreign FSAs) receive a monthly scholarship of €1,000, which is financed from public funds, while foreign language secretaries can expect a salary of €29,700 to €56,200 gross per year, depending on experience and employer.
In order to be able to work as a foreign language assistant, a degree in a linguistic or pedagogical field is usually required, and experience in teaching or working with children and young people is often required.
Foreign language assistants have the opportunity to work in schools, language schools or even in international companies. In addition, further training as a teacher, language trainer or in a special language area can be sought.
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