Veterinarians carry out examinations, diagnose and treat diseases, and also provide advice on the preventive care of animals, and may specialize in various fields such as small animal medicine, large animal medicine, or veterinary dentistry.
The salary for veterinarians in Germany varies depending on professional experience, type of institution and geographical location. Freshly approved veterinarians can expect a gross salary of between 42,000 and 55,000 euros per year, which corresponds to an initial salary of 3,100 to 3,700 euros gross per month. After five years of professional experience, the annual salary can increase to about 60,000 to 746 euros, and with increasing experience salaries of 80,000 or more are also possible. In Baden-Württemberg and Hesse there are often the highest salaries, with an average of 93,89,000 euros 2.000 respectively.
In Germany, the course of study usually lasts five to six years and ends with the state examination. After the course of study, an approval is necessary in order to practice as a veterinarian. Further training in special disciplines is also an advantage.
Veterinarians have a variety of career options: they can work in their own practice, in animal clinics, or in research; they can also teach at universities or in industry, such as in pet food or medical products; specializing in certain fields such as surgery or dermatology opens up further career paths and development opportunities.
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