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    3 Network Jobs Stuttgart

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    What do you do in the network jobs area?

    Network jobs are all about planning, implementing and managing network infrastructure. Network professionals are responsible for connecting computers and devices to ensure seamless data exchange and communication. These include tasks such as network administration, router and switch configuration, and network problem solving.

    Salary overview for network jobs

    In Germany, network professionals and network engineers can expect the following salaries:

    • Network professional: The average salary is €51,500 per year (approximately €4,292 per month). Salary range: between €43,900 and €68,900 per year.
    • Network engineer: The average salary is 52,800 euros per year (approximately 4,400 euros per month). Starting salary: approximately €43,800 per year (approximately €3,650 per month). Maximum possible salary: up to €63,600 per year. Salaries may vary depending on the size of the company, professional experience and staff responsibilities.

    Important skills for network jobs

    • Network architecture
    • Troubleshooting
    • Knowledge of TCP and IP
    • Firewall configuration
    • Experience with network protocols
    • Good communication skills
    • Teamwork
    • Analytical skills
    • time management

    What training is required for network jobs?

    Network jobs usually require a completed training in the IT field, such as as a computer scientist for system integration or a computer science degree.Many employers also require the acquisition of certificates such as Cisco CCNA or CompTIA Network+ to demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills in network management.

    Career opportunities in the field of network jobs

    Career opportunities in the field of network jobs are diverse. Beginners can often start as a network administrator or technician. With professional experience, you can work your way up to roles such as network architect, IT consultant or even IT project manager.