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    0 Motion Design Jobs Hamburg

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    What does a motion designer do?

    As a motion designer, you create moving graphics and animations to tell visual stories. You often work on projects such as commercials, social media animations, explainer videos and more. Your goal is to captivate the audience and present information in an appealing way through creative designs and visual effects.

    Expected Salary

    The average annual salary for Motion Designers in Hamburg is €38,003.

    Salaries can vary between €32,300 and €45,700 per year, depending on experience and company.

    Important skills for motion design jobs

    • Creativity and design sense
    • Mastery of software such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro and Illustrator
    • Basics of graphic design
    • Understanding of animation techniques
    • Teamwork and communication skills
    • Time management and project organization

    What training do you need for a job as a motion designer?

    A career in motion design usually requires training or a degree in graphic design, media design or animation. There are also special courses that focus exclusively on motion design. Practical experience and a portfolio of your own projects are also a great advantage.

    Career opportunities in motion design

    Motion designers have numerous career opportunities, be it in advertising agencies, film and animation studios or as freelancers. With increasing experience, there is the possibility of advancing to management positions or managing your own projects and productions. Motion designers can also move into related areas such as UX/UI design or video production.