In the field of HR IT, the topics of human resources and information technology are combined. The tasks include the implementation and management of HR software, the optimization of HR processes through digital solutions as well as ensuring that technical systems support the needs of the HR department. HR IT specialists work closely with various departments to digitize and make HR processes more efficient.
In the field of HR IT jobs in Germany, professionals usually earn between €38,750 and €102,250 annually, depending on the position and experience. The average annual salary is about €48,000, which corresponds to a monthly gross salary of €4,000. Some specialized roles, such as the HR business partner, can reach salaries of up to €76,250 per year. Factors such as company size, education and location also play a significant role in determining salary.
A career in HR IT often requires a degree in business administration, human resources management or computer science, or special training in HR-IT. It is important to have knowledge in both human resources and information technology.
There are many career opportunities in HR IT, from HR IT Specialist to IT Project Manager to positions in HR management that drive technological change in human resources.
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