In the field of internal communication, you are responsible for the exchange of information within a company. Communication between different departments and hierarchical levels plays a central role here. The aim is to inform employees about important topics, company goals and changes and to promote a positive corporate culture. Tasks include the creation of intranet content, employee magazines and the organization of internal events.
The average annual salary for internal communication employees in Cologne is €45,300. Salaries for this position range between €38,700 and €55,200 per year.
To work in the field of internal communications, you generally need a degree in communication sciences, business administration or a comparable qualification. Relevant internships and experience in corporate communications are also an advantage and can significantly improve your chances of getting started.
There are many career opportunities in the field of internal communications. You can work as a communications expert, internal communications management or in corporate development. Further positions include internal communications manager or senior positions within corporate communications. A further step may be to move into external communications or PR management in order to gain more extensive experience in the field of communications.
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