As a German as a Foreign Language (DaF) teacher, you teach German to non-native speakers in different contexts, whether it's in language schools, universities or integration courses.
In Germany, the average annual salary for a teacher of German as a foreign language (DAF) is between €34,800 and €49,300, with a median of about €39,100 per year, which corresponds to a monthly salary of about €3,258.
In order to work as a German as a foreign language teacher, a completed course of study in German studies, linguistics or a related course of study is usually required. In addition, additional qualifications such as a DaF certificate can be of advantage in order to learn the special aspects of teaching German as a foreign language.
In addition to working as a teacher, you can also work as a DaF trainer in companies or as an online teacher. You can also work in the field of language testing or the development of teaching materials. With the appropriate experience and further training, positions in education management or teacher training are also possible.