Energy policy deals with the analysis, planning and implementation of measures to shape a sustainable energy future, including the development of policy strategies, the review of legal frameworks and cooperation with various stakeholders to promote the transition to renewable energies and increase energy efficiency.
Salaries in energy policy vary greatly depending on position and experience. Energy economists earn an average of 54.978 € per year, which corresponds to 4.582 € per month. Energy consultants receive between 3.000 € and 3.400 € gross per month. For energy consultants, you can expect about €60.700 per year (about €5.8 per month), while higher salaries of up to 7.500 € per year
For a career in energy policy, courses in areas such as environmental science, political science, business engineering or mechanical engineering are usually advantageous, and additional qualifications such as a master's degree or specific certificates in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency are particularly valuable.
In the field of energy policy, there are a wide range of career opportunities, ranging from positions in government agencies to NGOs to energy companies.