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    9 Electrical Engineering Jobs Berlin

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    What do you do as an electrical engineer?

    As an electrical engineer, you plan, develop and install electrical systems and devices. This includes working on projects in the fields of power generation, automation technology, telecommunications and many others. Electrical engineers are responsible for designing circuits, analyzing systems and ensuring that all electrical components function efficiently and safely.

    Expected Salary

    Salary for electrical engineer jobs in Berlin

    The average annual salary for electrical engineer jobs in Berlin is €61,900.

    The salary range extends from €41,259 as the lower limit to €95,249 as the upper limit.

    Important skills for electrical engineers

    • Technical understanding
    • Problem solving skills
    • Knowledge of electrical circuit technology
    • Programming skills
    • Ability to work in a team
    • Project management skills
    • Experience with CAD software
    • Analytical thinking

    What training do you need for a job as an electrical engineer?

    To work as an electrical engineer, you usually need a university degree in electrical engineering or comparable training. Many universities offer special degree programs that focus on different aspects of electrical engineering. Practical experience through internships or student jobs is also an advantage.

    Career opportunities as an electrical engineer

    Electrical engineers have numerous career opportunities in various industries. They can work in research and development, project management or technical consulting. It is also possible to specialize in certain areas such as automation technology or energy technology and take on management positions.