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    36 Elderly Care Jobs Berlin

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    What do you do as a geriatric nurse?

    As a geriatric nurse, you are responsible for looking after and caring for older people. This includes providing support in everyday life, helping with personal hygiene, administering medication and providing emotional support. Geriatric nurses often work in nursing homes, facilities for the disabled or in people's homes. The work requires not only specialist knowledge, but also empathy and patience.

    In addition, geriatric nurses are often responsible for organizing leisure activities and work closely with other professionals, such as doctors and therapists.

    Expected Salary

    The average annual salary for elderly caregivers in Berlin is €38,278. The salary range extends from €28,534 as an entry-level salary to €48,496 as the upper limit.

    Important skills for geriatric care jobs

    • Empathy and patience
    • Communication skills
    • Teamwork
    • Specialist knowledge in geriatric care
    • Organizational skills
    • Crisis intervention
    • Physical resilience

    What training do you need for a job in geriatric nursing?

    To work in geriatric care, you generally need to have completed training as a geriatric nurse. This training takes around three years and combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience in care. In addition to training as a geriatric nurse, it is also possible to train as a healthcare and nursing professional in order to work in geriatric nursing later on. Further and advanced training is also important in order to keep up to date in this field.

    Career opportunities in geriatric care

    There are many career opportunities in geriatric nursing. After completing basic training, you can specialize, for example as a specialist in geriatric psychiatric care or as a nursing home manager. There is also the possibility of working in administration or training new geriatric nurses. Advancements to managerial positions or setting up your own care service are also conceivable.