In the field of corporate communications, you are responsible for the internal and external communication of a company. This includes developing communication strategies, maintaining media relations and designing corporate messages. Corporate communicators work to strengthen the company's image and disseminate information in a targeted manner.
The average annual salary for corporate communications in Frankfurt am Main is 85,361 euros. The salary range extends from 57,425 euros as a starting salary up to 115,390 euros as the upper limit.
To work in the field of corporate communications, you generally need a degree in communication sciences, media studies, public relations or a related field. Practical experience in the field of communication is also an advantage in order to stand out on the job market.
There are a wide range of career opportunities in corporate communications, from entry-level positions such as PR assistant to specialized roles such as social media manager and management positions such as communications director. With sufficient experience and the right network, you can move up quickly in the industry.
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