As an application developer, you design, develop and maintain software applications. You work closely with customers and the development team to implement innovative solutions and optimize existing software. You place particular emphasis on the user-friendliness and functionality of the applications.
Salary for application developer jobs in Frankfurt am Main
The average annual salary for application developer jobs in Frankfurt am Main is 68,288€.
The salary range is from 33,700€ as the lower limit to 90,695€ as the upper limit.
A career as an application developer usually requires a degree in computer science, software engineering or comparable training. Training as an IT specialist for application development can also provide a good basis. Practical experience through internships or projects is also an advantage.
As an application developer, you have a wide range of career opportunities. You can focus on specific technologies or industries, aim for management positions in software development or set up your own business as a freelance developer. You also have the opportunity to train as a software architect or technical project manager.
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