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    Zentrum liberale Moderne

    from Berlin

    The Zentrum liberale Moderne (LibMod) is a German think tank that advocates for the renewal of liberal democracy and ecological modernization. It provides analyses, political recommendations, and platforms for exchange between politics, science, and civil society.

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    Zentrum liberale Moderne (LibMod)

    The Zentrum liberale Moderne (LibMod) is a German think tank founded in 2017 by Marieluise Beck and Ralf Fücks, both prominent representatives of the Greens. LibMod is dedicated to the defense and renewal of liberal democracy, the transition to ecological modernity, and a solid expertise in Eastern Europe.

    Mission and Values

    The main mission of LibMod lies in the defense of open societies and the renewal of liberal democracy. The center advocates for the connection of individual freedom, social cohesion, personal responsibility, and strong public institutions. LibMod represents the values of liberal democracy, which are seen as the best guarantee for human rights and human dignity. Additionally, the center stands for ecological progress and a liberal climate policy[3][4].

    Key Products and Services

    LibMod functions as a political think tank, debate platform, and meeting point for free-spirited individuals from various political and social fields. The organization develops analyses and political recommendations, prepares studies and political briefings in collaboration with external experts, and organizes conferences, expert discussions, and roundtables. Furthermore, LibMod provides a platform for exchange between actors from politics, science, business, and civil society[3][5].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    A central concern of LibMod is the ecological modernization of industrial society. The center links the protection of planetary ecosystems with scientific and technological innovations and aims for a decoupling of economic value creation and natural consumption. This is to be achieved through a new industrial revolution that triggers a wave of innovations, investments, and employment. Additionally, LibMod is committed to a fair distribution of the burden in financing public tasks and emphasizes the social and ecological responsibility of companies[1][3].

    International and Societal Work

    LibMod advocates for European unity and the transatlantic alliance and views the conflict between liberal democracies and authoritarian social orders as the most important political conflict of the coming years. The center operates the topic portal "Understanding Ukraine" and regularly hosts the closed event series "Ukraine Insights" to discuss developments in Ukraine and the political options of the EU and Germany[4].

    Funding and Legal Form

    LibMod has the legal form of a non-profit limited liability company and is funded by project funds from public institutions, private foundations, associations, and donations. The proper use of funds is regularly audited by the Federal Court of Auditors and the financial administration[3][4].

    With its comprehensive work and diverse initiatives, the Zentrum liberale Moderne positions itself as an important actor in the defense and renewal of liberal democracy and ecological modernity.
