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    Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti & Roma

    from Heidelberg

    The Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti & Roma is the umbrella organization of 17 regional associations that advocates for the rights and social participation of Sinti and Roma in Germany. It fights against discrimination and promotes cultural education as well as the processing of history.

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    About Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma

    The Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma, founded in February 1982, is the independent umbrella organization of 17 regional associations and represents the civil rights and political interests of Sinti and Roma in Germany. Based in Heidelberg, the Zentralrat advocates for the recognition and protection of the minority and actively engages against anti-Romani sentiment and discrimination.

    Key Products and Services

    The Zentralrat provides a platform for the political and social representation of Sinti and Roma. It organizes events, memorials, and cultural programs to raise awareness of the history and culture of the minority. A central element is the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg, which serves as a place for encounters and dialogue. Here, exhibitions, lectures, film screenings, and concerts are held that showcase the rich culture of Sinti and Roma.

    Mission and Values

    The main mission of the Zentralrat is to protect the rights of Sinti and Roma and to promote their social participation. The Zentralrat advocates for the recognition of the Holocaust against Sinti and Roma and fights against all forms of racism and discrimination. The values of the Zentralrat are based on human rights, equality, and justice. It strives to promote the historical examination of the crimes of National Socialism and to keep the memory of the victims alive.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The Zentralrat is committed to sustainable social change through education and awareness-raising. It promotes integration and social cohesion by offering educational programs and workshops that address anti-racism and the history of Sinti and Roma. Additionally, the Zentralrat works closely with international organizations to strengthen the rights of Sinti and Roma at the European level.

    Relevant Information

    The Zentralrat has significantly contributed to the recognition of Sinti and Roma as a national minority in Germany. It has successfully fought for the amendment of discriminatory compensation practices and continues to advocate for the examination and recognition of the crimes of National Socialism. Through its work, the Zentralrat has played a significant role in the civil rights movement of Sinti and Roma in Germany and Europe.

    The Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma remains an indispensable voice in the fight for the rights and recognition of Sinti and Roma and contributes significantly to the promotion of tolerance and diversity in society.

