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    Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

    from Berlin

    The Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V. (vzbv) is the voice of consumers in Germany. It advocates for strong consumer rights, fair markets, and sustainable consumption. As an umbrella organization, it provides comprehensive information, consultations, and represents the interests of consumers at the political level.

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    About Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

    The Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V. (vzbv) is the strong voice of all consumers in Germany, regardless of their origin or life circumstances. As an umbrella organization, vzbv unites the forces of 16 consumer centers and 29 other organizations focused on consumer policy. Together, they form a strong network for the protection of consumers in Germany and Europe.

    Main Products and Services

    The vzbv advocates for strong consumer rights, fair markets, and safe products and services. It provides comprehensive information and advisory services on consumer-relevant topics and initiates class actions on behalf of affected consumers. In addition, the vzbv monitors markets, analyzes reports on consumer issues, and conducts investigations to uncover current problems and structural market failures.

    Mission and Values

    The mission of the vzbv is to promote a just and sustainable society and economy, where policy-making is oriented towards the needs of the people. The vzbv represents the interests of consumers to political decision-makers, companies, and other stakeholders. It recognizes the diversity of consumer needs and does not exclude any specific consumer groups from its work.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The vzbv is committed to promoting sustainable consumption and adhering to the precautionary principle, even in international free trade agreements. It advocates for clear and uniform rules for all market participants and promotes effective competition that offers real choice in transparent markets. The vzbv is also a member of the "Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft" and is committed to informing the public about its goals, funding sources, and expenditures.

    Further Information

    The vzbv is a non-profit organization, politically neutral, and solely dedicated to the interests of consumers. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, as well as through project funding and membership fees. At the European and international level, the vzbv is active and maintains an office in Brussels. It is a member of the Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC) and Consumers International (CI).

    Since its founding in 2000, as a result of the merger of three federal consumer organizations, the vzbv has developed into a central player in the field of consumer protection. Through its work, the vzbv helps ensure that consumers in Germany and Europe are well-informed and protected.

