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    Stadt Lörrach

    from Lörrach

    The Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach offers practice-integrated education in business, technology, and health. With over 750 partner companies and international degree programs, it optimally prepares students for the job market and promotes diversity in a committed team.

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    Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach

    The Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach is a leading location for practice-integrated education in Germany. With nearly 20 nationally and internationally accredited degree programs, it offers around 2,100 students a comprehensive education in the fields of business, technology, and health. The university is known for its dual study concept, which combines theory and practical phases in a three-month rhythm. Students enter into a three-year employment contract with a dual partner company and receive a regular training salary.

    Main Mission and Values

    The main mission of DHBW Lörrach is to provide practice-oriented education that optimally prepares students for the job market. A central value is the close collaboration with over 750 local and regional companies that act as dual partners. This enables students to apply theoretical knowledge directly in practice and drive innovative projects forward.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    Although specific sustainability goals of DHBW Lörrach are not explicitly mentioned, the university promotes cultural diversity and international cooperation through its international orientation and proximity to the tri-border area of Germany, France, and Switzerland. Furthermore, DHBW emphasizes the importance of environmental education and biodiversity through interdisciplinary projects and challenges.

    International Orientation

    The location in the tri-border area offers students unique opportunities to gain international experience. Trinational degree programs and study abroad semesters allow students to develop in a global environment.

    Career and Diversity

    DHBW Lörrach places great importance on diversity and promotes the career development of its employees. Applications from women and individuals from the diversity spectrum are particularly welcome. The university offers an attractive working environment with a dedicated team and diverse benefits.
