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    Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH

    from Leipzig

    The Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH has been promoting an open-minded society through integration and educational work since 2016. With projects like "Wir sind Paten," it advocates for social justice, tolerance, and inclusion, offering a variety of services for all people.

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    Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH: A Vision for an Open-Minded Society

    The Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH is a non-profit organization that has been active in the field of integration and education work since 2016. With the aim of promoting an open-minded, intercultural society based on social justice, tolerance, integration, and inclusion of all people, the organization operates at various locations distributed across the country.

    Key Products and Services

    The organization is primarily known for its project "Wir sind Paten," which is implemented as part of the "Menschen stärken Menschen" program of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. This project promotes the matching of sponsorships between people in need of help and those who want to help. Other central activities include:

    • Integration Work: The integration of refugees and migrants into German society is the focus.
    • Volunteer Work: The organization promotes volunteer engagement, especially from migrants.
    • Democracy Education: Various projects and workshops promote democratic education and participation.
    • Youth Work: Offers for young people to develop their potential and integrate them into society.
    • Anti-Discrimination and Prevention Work: Active work against racism and discrimination to create a discrimination-free corporate culture[2][3].

    Main Mission and Values

    The mission of the organization is based on the values of social justice, equal opportunities, tolerance, integration, and inclusion. The goal is to include all people regardless of their background and to shape society together. Encounters on equal footing between the most diverse people are at the center. The organization pursues a holistic integration approach that touches all areas of society and actively works to eliminate discrimination and prejudice[2][3].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The organization is committed to promoting societal cohesion and therefore works on various sustainable projects:

    • Project SPOT – Skills, Perspectives, Orientation, and Training: A language learning meeting place in Erfurt that provides support to German learners, including free childcare, funded by the Ministry for Migration, Justice, and Consumer Protection of the Free State of Thuringia.
    • Anti-Muslim Racism: Collaboration with the alliance against anti-Muslim racism in Saxony to reduce prejudices and promote dialogue.
    • Further Education and Coaching: Comprehensive further education and coaching offers to develop people's potential and integrate them into society[2][3].

    Corporate Culture and Working Method

    The organization is characterized by flat hierarchies and a participatory working method. Planning is done not for, but with the people, following the principle of subsidiarity. Each location operates relatively independently and has developed its own action concept within the framework of the corporate goals. This allows for the implementation of different but fundamentally similar projects that meet the needs of local communities[2].

    The Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH is thus a vibrant example of a learning organization that is in constant proactive change and incorporates diverse perspectives to create an inclusive and just society.
