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    Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg

    from Potsdam

    The Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg promotes a sustainable food economy through citizen investments in local businesses. Its goal is to strengthen ecological agriculture and regional value creation, while transparency and cooperation are the focus.

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    Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg

    About Us

    The Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg is an innovative company dedicated to promoting a sustainable and regional food economy. By investing in local businesses through citizen shares along the entire food value chain – from farms to food crafts to trade and gastronomy – the AG creates a strong regional network.

    Mission and Values

    Our main mission is to promote a future-proof food supply that is fair to people and animals, resource-efficient, and climate-friendly. We strive to produce and market high-quality, regional food with transparent origins. Our values are based on networking and cooperation in the regional economy to strengthen value creation, jobs, and ecological agriculture in the region.

    Key Products and Services

    • Investments in regional businesses: We invest in farms, fruit and vegetable processors, regional delivery services, cooperative supermarkets, and other innovative business models along the food value chain.
    • Networking and cooperation: By creating partnerships between businesses, we stabilize their sales channels, improve their marketing options, and secure their investment planning.
    • Sustainable production: Our partner businesses provide a range of sustainability services each year, which we measure and account for precisely. This includes comprehensive impacts in the areas of environment, social issues, and regional economy[2][3].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    • Ecological agriculture: We promote ecological management of land in Berlin-Brandenburg and support organic businesses through our investments.
    • Regional value creation: Through our investments, value creation, jobs, and businesses remain in the region, strengthening the local economy.
    • Transparency and quality: We focus on transparent and high-quality production of regional food and pursue an integrated methodology for accounting sustainability-related services and damages[2][5].

    Participation and Support

    The Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg is supported by over 1,000 citizens who secure jobs, strengthen organic businesses, and contribute to the ecological management of land through their share investments. Partners like BIO COMPANY support us through additional shareholdings and act in accordance with our values to promote regional organic agriculture[4].


    The Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg is working to establish a sustainable and regional food economy based on cooperation, transparency, and ecological production. Through our investments and initiatives, we contribute to more land being managed ecologically and to strengthening the regional economy. Our mission is to produce good food with transparent origins and values, thus advancing an agricultural transition that avoids monocultures, pesticides, and factory farming.
