Netzwerk Medienkompetenz Sachsen-Anhalt
Netzwerk Medienkompetenz Sachsen-Anhalt
editMission and Values
editThe Netzwerk Medienkompetenz Sachsen-Anhalt is an initiative-rich and connected platform dedicated to promoting media literacy in society. The mission of the network is to strengthen, connect, and expand activities in the field of media literacy promotion to realize a common concept for the state of Sachsen-Anhalt. Media literacy is understood here as a societal task that opens up new learning and experience spaces for all age groups through digital transformation[5].
Key Products and Services
editThe network offers a variety of resources and services to promote media literacy in the region:
- Media Education Atlas for Sachsen-Anhalt: A comprehensive collection of resources and concepts for media educational work.
- Building Regional Networks: Connecting stakeholders to share resources and increase the sustainability of activities.
- Information on Funding Opportunities: Support for financing media educational projects.
- News Blogger, Newsletter, and Bulletin Board: Platforms for exchanging information and ideas.
- Event Calendar and Professional Conferences: Regular events and meetings to inform about current developments and trends and to develop new ideas.
- Day of Media Literacy Sachsen-Anhalt: An annual action day that highlights the importance of media literacy[1][5].
Sustainability Goals and Initiatives
editThe network is committed to the sustainability and long-term impact of its activities:
- Regional Network Work: Through regular meetings and workshops, regional structures for promoting media literacy are expanded and strengthened.
- Mutual Transfer of Experiences: Members exchange experiences and develop joint concepts for media educational work to create innovative solutions.
- Financial Support: The media authority Sachsen-Anhalt and the state government financially support the project to ensure that the network's goals can be pursued in the long term[1][5].
Target Group
editThe network is aimed at all interested citizens as well as professionally involved institutions, associations, and initiatives in Sachsen-Anhalt. It provides a consulting, networking, and coordination office for successful and goal-oriented collaboration[1][5].
Through its comprehensive offerings and the close networking of stakeholders, the Netzwerk Medienkompetenz Sachsen-Anhalt makes an important contribution to promoting media literacy and shaping a media-conscious society.
edit- 1 - https://medienanstalt-sachsen-anhalt.de/medienkompetenz/netzwerkstelle-medienkompetenz/index.html
- 2 - https://www.produktive-medienarbeit.de/ressourcen/bibliothek/fachartikel/baacke_netz.shtml
- 3 - https://www.fachportal-paedagogik.de/literatur/vollanzeige.html?FId=2336113
- 4 - https://www.medien-kompetenz-netzwerk.de
- 5 - https://www.medien-kompetenz-netzwerk.de/netzwerkstelle/ueber-das-netzwerk/