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    Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative

    from Berlin

    The Corporate Network Climate Protection of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection supports companies, especially SMEs, in implementing climate protection measures. It offers a digital platform, consultations, and tools for emission reduction and promotes sustainable business models.

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    Company Description: Corporate Network Climate Protection

    Mission and Values

    The Corporate Network Climate Protection, an initiative of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHK), is a central platform for companies that actively engage in climate protection and want to future-proof their business models. The main mission of the network is to support and connect companies in their efforts for climate protection and energy efficiency, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Key Products and Services

    • Digital Platform: The heart of the project is a digital platform that enables the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices. Here, companies can adapt measures and create progress reports for CO₂ savings[1].
    • Climate Guide: A digital database that serves as a support and source of inspiration for operational climate protection. The Climate Guide includes a seal compass and funding navigators[1].
    • ecocockpit: A free tool for greenhouse gas accounting that is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This allows companies to identify their emission sources and take targeted measures to reduce emissions[1].
    • Introductory Consultations, Webinars, and Qualification: In collaboration with the IHKs, introductory consultations, webinars, and the qualification of trainees as energy scouts are offered[1].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    • Climate Protection Strategy: Companies can develop a comprehensive climate protection strategy that defines their goals, priorities, and measures to reduce CO₂ emissions. This includes the use of renewable energies, energy-efficient technologies, and the transition to more sustainable processes[2].
    • Energy Efficiency and Resource Efficiency: Companies are encouraged to increase their energy efficiency, minimize waste and resource consumption, and promote circular economy. This includes the use of low-emission transport and the optimization of supply chains[2].
    • Best-Practice Examples: By disseminating concrete best-practice examples and tools, specific climate protection projects in companies are to be triggered. This is done through close collaboration with federal ministries, associations, research institutions, and other businesses[4].

    Membership and Benefits

    • Free Membership: Membership in the Corporate Network Climate Protection is free. Companies can register and create a company profile to fully participate in the offerings[1].
    • Recognition and Role Model Function: Companies that excel in climate protection achievements can be recognized as role models for the economy. This is done through the presentation of certificates and the recognition of their commitment by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs[3][4].

    Engagement and Collaboration

    The Corporate Network Climate Protection works closely with various stakeholders, including federal ministries, chambers of commerce and industry, research institutions, and other businesses. The goal is to sustainably and positively promote the awareness of climate protection and energy efficiency measures and to represent the interests of member companies in climate policy[4].

    Through these comprehensive initiatives and offerings, the Corporate Network Climate Protection supports German companies in reducing their CO₂ emissions, developing sustainable business models, and positioning themselves as responsible actors in society.
