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    Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder und Jugendbildung SchleswigHolstein e V LKJSH header
    Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder und Jugendbildung SchleswigHolstein e V LKJSH logo
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    Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder und Jugendbildung SchleswigHolstein e V LKJSH

    from Rendsburg

    The Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder und Jugendbildung SchleswigHolstein e V LKJSH (LKJ SH e.V.) promotes cultural education for young people. It offers volunteer services, training, and consultations to strengthen participation and inclusion and to support cultural development in Schleswig-Holstein.

    Education, Art & Culture
    Quality Education, Gender Equality
    Visit website

    Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (LKJ SH e.V.)

    The Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (LKJ SH e.V.) is the central umbrella organization for cultural education for children and young people in Schleswig-Holstein. Founded with the aim of creating framework conditions that enable every child and young person to participate in the diverse offerings of extracurricular cultural education, the LKJ SH e.V. plays an outstanding role in promoting cultural and educational work in the state.

    Key Products and Services

    • Voluntary Services in Culture and Education: The LKJ SH e.V. offers young people between the ages of 15 and 26 the opportunity to engage in a voluntary service in cultural, educational, or political institutions. This includes the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) in Culture, Education, and Politics[2][5].
    • Service Point "Culture Makes Strong": This service point serves as a contact for all questions regarding the federal program "Culture Makes Strong. Alliances for Education" and provides comprehensive advice on funding, financing, and finding cooperation partners[2].
    • Training and Networking Opportunities: The LKJ SH e.V. offers professionals in extracurricular education training, consulting, and networking opportunities to strengthen their competencies and promote exchange[2].

    Main Mission and Values

    The main mission of the LKJ SH e.V. is to ensure that all young people in Schleswig-Holstein have the opportunity to participate in cultural education offerings. This is achieved by creating framework conditions that enable broad participation in cultural activities. The LKJ SH e.V. also advocates for the interests of full-time cultural educators and promotes the voluntary work of many of its member associations and groups[1][2].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    • Support from the State of Schleswig-Holstein: The work of the LKJ SH e.V. is supported by the State of Schleswig-Holstein, ensuring the sustainability and continuity of its projects and initiatives[1].
    • Participation and Inclusion: A central goal is the inclusion of disadvantaged children and young people in participation processes to increase their chances of participation and promote educational equity[3].
    • Network Building and Networking: Through regular networking meetings, such as the networking meeting of theater education, and the promotion of alliances for education, the LKJ SH e.V. strengthens collaboration among various actors in the cultural and educational landscape[2].

    Thus, the LKJ SH e.V. is an indispensable partner for cultural and educational development in Schleswig-Holstein, contributing through its diverse offerings and initiatives to ensure that all young people have the opportunity to develop their cultural and educational potentials.
