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    LAG Soziokultur SchleswigHolstein eV

    from Kiel

    The LAG Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein e.V. is the central professional association for the sociocultural landscape in Schleswig-Holstein. It supports actors, promotes cultural diversity and strengthens social cohesion through creative projects and events.

    Art & Culture, Social Services
    Quality Education, Gender Equality
    Visit website

    The LAG on social culture in Schleswig-Holstein e.V.

    The Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein e.V. is the central professional and interest association for the sociocultural landscape in Schleswig-Holstein. As an engaged supporter and consultant, the LAG promotes the sociocultural actors in the country and informs the public about the diverse cultural events and offers of its member institutions. The organization represents the interests of socioculture at the state level and strives to strengthen social cohesion through creative and artistic means.

    Key products and services

    The LAG Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein e.V. offers a wide range of services aimed at promoting and supporting the socio-cultural scene in the country, including:

    • Advisory and support: The LAG provides comprehensive advice to socio-cultural actors and supports them in the implementation of their projects.
    • Specialised meetings and training: Through regular events and training, the LAG promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience among the actors.
    • SocioCultureCalendar: A digital platform that enables members to promote their events efficiently and make them accessible to a wide audience.

    Mission and values

    The main mission of the LAG Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein e.V. is to promote and strengthen socio-cultural diversity in the country. The organization strives to ensure that citizens actively participate in the design of their neighborhoods and create places of encounter through cultural activities. The values of the LAG include diversity, creativity and social cohesion, which are promoted through intercultural and intergenerational programmes.

    Sustainability goals and initiatives

    A central concern of the LAG is the promotion of sustainable structures within socio-cultural institutions.With the introduction of the country's structural support in 2022, a significant funding programme has been launched that supports not only art and cultural projects but also the development of organisations in socio-cultural institutions.This initiative aims to strengthen the resilience and capacity of actors and thus ensure long-term sustainable cultural offerings.

    Special projects

    An outstanding project of the LAG is the "Children's Theatre of the Month", which has been offering a diverse theatre offer for children throughout Schleswig-Holstein since 1993.

    The LAG Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein e.V. is an indispensable actor in promoting and supporting the socio-cultural scene in Schleswig-Holstein.

