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    Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung

    from Göttingen

    The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen is a leading research institute that develops innovative technologies and models for the exploration of the solar system. It promotes international collaboration, sustainability, and offers diverse training and career opportunities.

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    About Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

    The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Göttingen is a leading research institute dedicated to the study of our cosmic environment. The focus is on the investigation of the solar system, including the sun, its planets and moons, as well as comets and asteroids. The scientists at the institute develop models to describe the processes in the solar system and simulate them using state-of-the-art computer technologies. In addition, instruments are developed and built to explore these celestial bodies from space. The MPS is involved in numerous space missions, including the ESA missions Solar Orbiter and JUICE, as well as the NASA missions InSight and Dawn.

    Mission and Values

    The mission of the MPS is to gain fundamental new insights in the natural and engineering sciences and to develop innovative technologies. The institute promotes the open exchange of ideas and knowledge among its employees, who come from over 50 nations. This international collaboration is a central value of the institute and significantly contributes to the excellence of its research.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The MPS is actively committed to sustainability and has launched various initiatives to improve its environmental performance. These include measures for energy savings, the use of renewable energies, and the promotion of environmentally friendly technologies. The institute strives to make its research and infrastructure as environmentally friendly as possible and advocates for sustainable development in science.

    Research and Innovation

    The MPS is divided into several research departments, including the departments for Sun and Heliosphere, Planetary Sciences, and Solar and Stellar Interiors. Each department focuses on specific aspects of solar and planetary research. For example, the Sun and Heliosphere department investigates the solar atmosphere and the interplanetary medium, while the Planetary Sciences department studies the surfaces and atmospheres of planets and moons. The Solar and Stellar Interiors department uses helioseismology and asteroseismology to investigate the internal structures of the sun and stars.

    Education and Career

    The MPS offers numerous training and career opportunities, including the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for doctoral candidates. These programs foster the next generation of scientists and provide comprehensive support and resources for their research. The institute places great importance on equal opportunities and offers programs to promote the compatibility of work and family as well as to support women in science.

    The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research is an outstanding example of scientific excellence and international collaboration, dedicated to the exploration and understanding of our solar system.

