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    Internationale Vereinigung Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen OII Germany

    from Berlin

    IVIM OII Germany advocates for the rights of intersex people. The organization provides education, counselling and advocacy to promote self-determination and social recognition. Its vision is a world where intersex people are protected and celebrated.

    Human Rights, Education
    Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities
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    The organisation Intersex International (OII) Germany - IVIM

    About us

    The International Intersex Association (IAS), also known as the International Association of Inter-Gendered People (IVIM), is an international human rights organization that has been advocating for the rights and well-being of intersex people since its founding in 2003.

    Key products and services

    • Education and awareness: OII Germany offers comprehensive educational programs and materials for intersex people, their families, doctors, educators and the general public.These initiatives aim to convey the realities of life, rights and needs of intersex people from a human rights perspective.
    • Counseling and support: The organization offers psychosocial and peer counseling in which intersexuality is not considered a disorder in need of treatment. This also includes access to specific training programs for children, adolescents and parents.
    • Advocacy and political work: OII Germany is engaged in national and international campaigns to end the practice of non-essential gender-changing interventions without the free and fully informed consent of the persons concerned. It also calls for full access to the data on the history of treatment and recognition and compensation for wrongdoing.

    Mission and values

    The main mission of OII Germany is to ensure full legal protection against unwanted cosmetic and other non-essential medical interventions.The organization advocates the pathologization of intersex people and calls for individual, transparent and unbiased health care that takes into account the actual health needs of those affected.

    Sustainability goals and initiatives

    • Human rights and self-determination: OIJ Germany fights for the preservation of physical integrity and self-determination of intersex people, including the demand for the end of practices of pre-implantation and prenatal diagnosis aimed at preventing the birth of intersex babies.
    • Social recognition: The organization works to enable intersex people to participate equally in social life, education, sports and the labour market. It also strives to ensure that physical gender characteristics are no longer classified as diseases and that intersex people have access to appropriate counselling when needed.
    • OII Germany is part of a global network and works with other organisations such as the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association Europe (ILGA Europe) to strengthen the rights of intersex people worldwide.

    The vision

    The vision of OII Germany is a world in which intersex people are recognized as part of human diversity and protected from unwanted interference and discrimination, a world in which they are visible, celebrated and their human rights are respected.
