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    Hessisches Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration, Jugend und Soziales

    from Wiesbaden

    The job portal of the Hessisches Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration, Jugend und Soziales (HMSI). Here you can find meaningful tasks in the areas of work, social affairs, youth and integration. #ÜberHessischesMinisteriumfürArbeitIntegrationJugendundSoziales

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    About Hessisches Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration, Jugend und Soziales

    The Hessisches Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration, Jugend und Soziales (HMSI) actively shapes the social future of Hesse. As part of the state government, it is committed to a society in which all people have the same opportunities and can lead a dignified life.

    The ministry covers a broad spectrum of topics, including:

    • Arbeit: Promotion of the labor market, securing skilled workers, ensuring occupational safety and fair working conditions.
    • Integration: Supporting refugees and migrants in integrating into society, promoting diversity and acceptance.
    • Jugend: Strengthening children's and youth rights, promoting early childhood education, supporting youth work and participation.
    • Soziales: Combating discrimination, providing social assistance, promoting voluntary services and community work.
    • Frauen: Promoting equal rights, protection against violence, supporting women's health.
    • Menschen mit Behinderungen: Promoting inclusion, removing barriers, supporting participation in the labor market and social life.

    The HMSI awards prizes and honors in various areas, including the Hessische Sozialpreis, the Integrationspreis and the Landespreis Beschäftigung und Integration schwerbehinderter Menschen.

    The ministry is committed to transparent and citizen-friendly policies. It offers a wide range of information in Easy Language and sign language and is active on social media to engage in dialogue with citizens.

    The HMSI is continuously working on the further development of its offers and initiatives in order to meet the current challenges and needs of the Hessian population. It relies on close cooperation with other authorities, organizations and initiatives.

