Hessische Eichdirektion
Über Hessische Eichdirektion
editDie Hessische Eichdirektion (HED) is an authority of the state of Hessen, which has been responsible for consumer protection in the field of metrology since 1817. Its core task is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measuring instruments in commercial transactions and in the public interest.
The HED offers a wide range of services, including calibrations, calibrations and conformity assessments of measuring instruments of various types. These include:
- Measuring instruments for gas, electricity, heat and water
- Scales and weights
- Measuring instruments for liquids (stationary and flowing)
- Length measuring devices
- Pressure measuring devices
- Temperature measuring devices
- Measuring instruments in road traffic (e.g. taximeters)
- Density and content measuring devices
- Finished packages
- Stopwatches
In addition to carrying out calibrations and calibrations, the HED is also responsible for market and usage monitoring. This includes checking measuring instruments in use to ensure that they meet legal requirements and function correctly. In this way, the HED contributes to maintaining competition and protecting consumers from incorrect measurements.
The HED maintains several locations in Hessen, including the Eich- und Kalibrierzentrum (EKZ) and various branch offices, in order to guarantee a comprehensive supply of its services. Online appointments are offered for certain locations, such as Darmstadt, Gießen, Kassel, Maintal and Wiesbaden, for the calibration of taximeters and distance counters.
The Hessische Eichdirektion works closely with other national and international organizations in the field of metrology, such as the Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mess- und Eichwesen (AGME) and the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (OIML).
The HED also offers online forms for repairers, such as the application for the granting or amendment of an authorization as a repairer in accordance with § 54 MessEV and the repair notification.
The Hessische Eichdirektion sees itself as a modern service provider and relies on current technologies and processes to fulfill its tasks efficiently and in a customer-oriented manner. In this way, it makes a significant contribution to ensuring a fair and transparent market in Hessen.