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    Heilpädagogisch-Therapeutisches Zentrum gGmbH (HTZ)

    from Neuwied

    The Heilpädagogisch-Therapeutisches Zentrum Neuwied gem. GmbH (HTZ) gGmbH is a leading competence center for child, youth, and disability assistance in Rhineland-Palatinate. It offers integrative daycare centers, child protection services, and day care facilities to promote inclusion and equal opportunities.

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    Heilpädagogisch-Therapeutisches Zentrum Neuwied (HTZ) gGmbH

    The Heilpädagogisch-Therapeutisches Zentrum Neuwied (HTZ) gGmbH is a leading competence center for child, youth, and disability assistance in Rhineland-Palatinate. Founded in 1972, HTZ has developed into one of the largest providers in the social economy of the region.

    Key Products and Services

    • Integrative Daycare Centers: These provide comprehensive care and support for children to ensure inclusive education.
    • Child Protection Service: The service supports children and families in difficult life situations and offers protection and counseling.
    • Day Care Facility: This facility offers structured day care and support for adults with disabilities.
    • Outpatient Specialized Service and Outpatient Pediatric Nursing Service: These services provide flexible support for families and children in their home environment.
    • Social Pediatric Center (SPZ): Here, children receive comprehensive medical and therapeutic care.

    Mission and Values

    The mission of HTZ is to support families and children in participating in everyday social life. The company's values include inclusion, equal opportunities, and the promotion of individual abilities. A new mission statement has been developed to strengthen these values in a changing environment.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    HTZ is committed to a sustainable and inclusive society. Current initiatives include redesigning outdoor areas and supporting child protection projects. Additionally, a unified educational framework concept has been developed to promote interdisciplinary exchange and the implementation of children's rights.

    HTZ is an important partner for families and people with disabilities in the region and offers comprehensive support through its diverse services and initiatives.
