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    Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden

    from Wiesbaden

    The Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden is the representative body for crafts and trades in the region. It supports businesses and start-ups with training and further education, advice and promotion of young talent. #ÜberHandwerkskammerWiesbaden

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    About Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden

    The Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden is an interest group and a service provider for crafts and trades in the region. It supports craft businesses and start-ups in all phases – from training to business management.

    Its core tasks include promoting vocational training and further education, providing advice on business management and legal issues, and representing the interests of crafts and trades to politics and administration. The Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden offers a wide range of courses and seminars in its training centers to ensure and expand the qualification of craftsmen and their employees.

    A special focus is on the digitalization of crafts and trades, in order to support companies in the introduction of new technologies and business models. The chamber offers advice and information events for this purpose.

    The Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden is committed to promoting young talent and supports companies in the search for trainees. It provides information about the diverse career opportunities in crafts and trades and promotes training in the over 120 different craft professions.

    The chamber is committed to strengthening crafts and trades as an economic engine and important employer in the region. It promotes exchange and cooperation between companies and supports innovative projects.

