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    Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe

    from Hamburg

    The Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe gGmbH is looking for dedicated employees! It has been supporting people in Hamburg with outpatient care, hospice services and counseling since 1988. Become part of a team that combines empathy and professionalism!

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    Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe gGmbH

    The Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe gGmbH is a non-profit organization that has been committed to supporting the health care of people in Hamburg since 1988. Founded as an association, it was converted into a non-profit GmbH in 2010. The association remains the sponsor and umbrella of the company and shapes the organization's mission statement.

    Key Products and Services

    • Outpatient Care: Professionally qualified teams offer a wide range of services in domestic and medical care as well as support.
    • Palliative Care: Specialized teams offer advice, pain management and medically delegated services for seriously ill people.
    • Outpatient Hospice Service: Support for seriously ill people by volunteer helpers.
    • CHARON Advice Center: Support in dealing with dying, death and grief.

    Mission and Values

    The main mission of the Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe is to support people in Hamburg through outpatient services and innovative projects. The organization attaches great importance to empathy, professionalism and civic engagement. It promotes the possibility that people can stay in their familiar home environment and shape their everyday lives in a self-determined way.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe is a member of the paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverband Hamburg e.V. and is committed to sustainable and networked health care. Through its many years of experience and its commitment to health promotion, it contributes to strengthening the local health infrastructure. The organization also supports the further training of its employees and promotes the transition to specialized care areas.

    Non-profit Status and Engagement

    Since its foundation, the Hamburger Gesundheitshilfe has strived to improve the quality of life of people with illnesses, disabilities or in advanced age. Through its comprehensive services and advice, it makes a valuable contribution to health care in Hamburg.
