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    Evang. Kindergarten Sonnenstrahl

    from Bielefeld

    The Evangelische Kindertageseinrichtung Sonnenstrahl in Bielefeld offers inclusive care for children from 1 until school entry. With a strong focus on movement, language, and individual support, it creates a supportive environment that promotes diversity and Christian values.

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    Evangelische Kindertageseinrichtung Sonnenstrahl

    The Evangelische Kindertageseinrichtung Sonnenstrahl offers comprehensive care for children aged one year until they start school. With a total of five groups and 85 places, the facility places great importance on inclusive work, movement education, and language education. All children are welcome, regardless of their nationality, religion, or culture.

    Main Mission and Values

    The facility is closely connected to the Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Bielefeld and emphasizes the values of the Christian faith. It promotes acceptance, security, attention, joy, hope, love, honesty, as well as anger, sadness, and reconciliation. The facility places great importance on collaboration with parents and the individual support of children.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    An important aspect of the facility is the renovation and expansion, which has created additional care places for children under three years old. This expansion was realized with an investment of around 1.3 million euros and includes modern premises with ground-level access to the outdoor area, spacious play and sleeping areas, as well as easily accessible sanitary facilities. The facility places great importance on children's development through movement and sensory perception, which is promoted by a large gymnasium and an extensive outdoor area.

    Educational Concept

    The educational concept of the facility includes regular activities such as music education and movement games. The facility offers various care times to meet the needs of families. Taster afternoons allow interested families to get to know the facility better.

    Inclusion and Diversity

    The facility emphasizes the importance of inclusion and diversity. It offers special places for children with increased care needs and promotes the integration of children from different backgrounds. Through close collaboration with parents and the individual support of children, a supportive environment is created that fosters children's development.
