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    ETHCL Food Labs GmbH

    from Berlin
    Komm zu ETHCL Food Labs GmbH und trage dazu bei, Ernährung gesünder und nachhaltiger zu machen. Werde Teil der Mission, die ungesunden Zuckerbomben im Supermarktregal durch nachhaltige, funktionale Snacks und Lebensmittel zu ersetzen. ETHCL Food Labs GmbH steht für vegane Bio-Zutaten und den Verzicht auf sämtliche Zusatzstoffe. Neben dem eigenen Onlineshop vertreiben wir unsere Produkte an den Bio-Fachhandel sowie an Kletter- und Boulderhallen in der DACH-Region.
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    TZAMPAS was founded with the goal of offering healthy snacks – completely free of additives, crystal sugar, and animal ingredients. A Clean Eating alternative to the common offerings in supermarkets was to be created: Few, high-quality raw materials instead of endless ingredient lists that can only be understood with a completed chemistry degree. The basis for our vegan bars and inspiration for our name is roasted barley flour, Tibetan "Tsampa". Tsampa has served the Sherpas in the Himalayan region as an energy source for centuries, and for good reason: Barley consists mainly of complex carbohydrates that provide the body with energy over a longer period and ensure a lasting feeling of fullness.

    As a company, we have committed ourselves to continuous improvement. This relates to sustainability, product innovations, and our collaboration as a team. Basically, all positions with us are "open to all".