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    Esther Ministries eV

    Esther Ministries eV has been advocating for victims of forced prostitution in Southern Germany since 2014. The non-profit organization provides exit assistance, street work, and educational work to enable those affected to have a new perspective and a self-determined life.

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    Esther Ministries e.V. - A Mission Against Forced Prostitution

    About Us

    Esther Ministries e.V. is a non-profit organization that has been active in Southern Germany since 2014, dedicated to supporting victims of forced prostitution. Founded by a group of committed volunteers who were already working at Café LaStrada in Stuttgart, the organization has developed into a comprehensive aid organization.

    Key Products and Services

    • Aftercare and Exit Assistance: Esther Ministries provides concrete help and support to those affected in exiting prostitution. This includes the provision of safe housing, job search assistance, language courses, and daily care[4][5].
    • Street Work and Awareness Raising: The street work team seeks out victims of human trafficking and offers them information, support, and psychosocial intervention. Through awareness and prevention work, including lectures, events, and workshops, the organization actively fights against modern slavery[4][5].
    • Specialized Counseling Center and Specific Projects: Esther Ministries operates a specialized counseling center for victims of sexual exploitation and has initiated projects such as R.O.S.A. (Empowering Roma Women from Eastern Europe through Work) and the social media project to raise awareness among youth about exploitation[5].

    Mission and Values

    The main mission of Esther Ministries is to provide victims of forced prostitution with a new perspective for the future and to enable them to restart a self-determined life. The organization advocates for the dignity and worth of every person and works towards creating a society that does not tolerate people living in slavery. The vision is based on the biblical story of Queen Esther, who serves as a symbol for overcoming enslavement and achieving freedom[4][5].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    Esther Ministries is committed to sustainable prevention and combatting forced prostitution. Through close collaboration with local institutions and a nationwide network, the organization provides practical support and guidance to those affected. The annual "Walk for Freedom" demonstration and workshops like "Love Without Coercion" are examples of the active media presence and efforts to amplify the voices of those affected[4][5].

    Recognition and Networks

    For its commitment against forced prostitution, Esther Ministries was awarded the Theodor-Haecker Honor by the city of Esslingen. The organization maintains regular exchanges with friendly and affiliated organizations to effectively support and expand its work[5].

    Esther Ministries e.V. is a vibrant example of commitment and solidarity aimed at providing concrete help and support to people in need and creating a society where no one has to live in slavery.
