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    Duale Hochschule Schleswig-Holstein (DHSH)

    from Kiel

    The Duale Hochschule Schleswig-Holstein - DHSH offers practice-oriented dual bachelor's degree programs and a part-time master's in Digital Business & Innovation. It combines theory and practice to optimally prepare students for the challenges of the working world.

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    The Duale Hochschule Schleswig-Holstein (DHSH) is a modern university with three locations in Schleswig-Holstein. It offers unique dual bachelor's degree programs as well as a part-time master's in Digital Business & Innovation. The DHSH combines theoretical study units with practical tasks in companies to ensure a particularly application-oriented education.

    Key Products and Services

    • Dual Study Program: The DHSH offers bachelor's degree programs in Business Administration and other fields, where theoretical phases at the university alternate with practical phases in partner companies.
    • Master's Program: The part-time master's in Digital Business & Innovation prepares for future management positions and integrates current research and practice.

    Main Mission and Values

    The mission of the DHSH is to prepare young people for the challenges of the working world of tomorrow. It emphasizes practical orientation, internationality, and innovation. Through close collaboration with companies and the integration of theory and practice, the DHSH aims to optimally prepare its students for the job market.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    Although specific sustainability goals are not explicitly mentioned, the DHSH promotes sustainable educational and innovation processes through its project-based approaches and collaboration with regional companies. The focus on digital transformation and innovation helps to develop future-proof solutions.

    Additional Information

    The DHSH works closely with regional companies to train suitable skilled and managerial personnel. This demonstrates its commitment to regional economic development and talent promotion. The description of Konfetti im Dialog gGmbH is not relevant to the DHSH.
